A Mad Tea-Party

Hebdomadal of Anna's Adventures in Wonderland

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Daar zit je dan. Heel allenig in je kamertje en na een week niet langer dan de tijd van een douche (well, okay, I did attend some seminars, too) van een homoglot gescheiden te zijn geweest, niet langer in staat een decentelijk Engelse tekst te schrijven...

However, we'll try. For the non-Dutchers: the gist of the lines above is: the first few hours without J. are pretty crappy. But we'll survive. By returning to the habits of spending two-third of the day with the amount of activities sufficient for two entire days. By filling the remainder with writing to and for and with you. And by very efficiently making use of the zero hours in bed. In short: it is the well-known strategy of distraction, employed until, hopefully, distraction has become so overwhelming that it is not recognised as distraction anymore and itself becomes known by the name of "life".

First solitary activity of the day: buying yoghurt and milk (ration is back from 4 to 2 pints per shopping session; shopping sessions are back from once a day to twice a week...) and one ciabatta to complete a delicious dinner compiled of left-overs from eight days care by the most wonderful houseman I ever met (someone inform us about the linguistic connection to "husband"?). But tomorrow I shall eat meat! (Not implying that that is something to look forward to... But still. I don't know. Afwisseling van spijs etcetera?). Anyway. Supermarket cashiers in England are already much kinder than those in the Netherlands (apart from some very notable exceptions of course, c.q. F.&co.), but the girl helping me this afternoon gave such lovely smiles and remarks that I'm sure I must have looked not too happy. Still: nice fellow choir members and flatmates make up for a lot.

This entry was mainly meant as a first sign of life after nine days of silence, to gradually habituate the both of us (that's you and me - back together again!) to this place again, and maybe (but I don't know whether that was necessary) to reassure some of you (primarily m. and d.? For we haven't been in contact for some weeks now) that I indeed survive up to and including this moment. Next time I will tell a bit about a very limited selection of this week's events. But now it's time for bed.

Goedenacht. Enjoy your extra hour of sleep.
