A Mad Tea-Party

Hebdomadal of Anna's Adventures in Wonderland

Saturday, October 01, 2005


My dear friends and family (but that is the same),

A week has passed since the last few difficult goodbyes from my beloved country and its even more beloved residents. And although you are all still very much in my thoughts, it's like there has never been a pre-Exeter life. But more about that later (see the surprise at the bottom of this letter).

Many people have asked where the hell I am now, and some how I got there, and a couple what it feels like to be there (thank you, M, J, Y, K, O, F, M&P and M: I've read your enquiries and appreciate them. I answered parts of some of them - the rest of the answers you'll have to share with the masses). But first things first: I've never been as accessible as now that I'm away. A list of possibilities to reach me (letters are warranted to be read; phones not necessarily to be picked up, however) follows:

actual whereabouts of me
in brain&body of entity commonly referred to as Anna; from Saturday 24th September 2005 to the fourth week of January to be found in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; to be more precise, in the South of England, usually in the county of Devon (in the South-West) but possibly also in Cornwall, Somerset, Greater London and Oxford; on weekdays (except some tuesdays) roaming the campus of Exeter University and its adjacent town (but they call it a city: the Extrestials must be suffering from the Utrecht-syndrome); and during the hours approaching sunrise hopefully in my own bed (except on full moon-lit nights).

address for postcards, letters, books, photographs, illegaly copied cds and mysterious parcels (in order of increasing desiribility)


Oh, and for everyone except Mark:

United Kingdom


address for electronic letters, postcards, parcels, music, etc.
CENSORED will stay in use.
However, CENSORED has been added (the conclusion that I must be the 201th person christened CENSORED is incorrect, sorry). However, using this address is completely useless, as all mail will be forwarded to heavenly solismail anyway. There's one important exception, though: if you like to send pictures, it could be handy to notify me beforehand, so I can cancel the forwarding service and you won't receive any nasty "mailbox full-messages" from solismail. In short: exeter.ac.uk is my back-up.

address for botttled messages
Exmouth (only during office-hours)

in cases of emergency

in serious cases of emergency
The Parents

in desperate cases
Val's Flower Shop (we do deliveries)
+44 (0)1392 219880
47 Magdalen Rd

if you need a Good Samaritan
CENSORED (yep, that's me! I've just got 'connection stationnaire'! Costs are only about 8p to a home phone in the Netherlands or Germany; 30p to a cell phone; 3 to 5p to anywere in the UK depending on the time of week and day as usual; and even cheaper within Exeter)

if you are desperate to call to my mother's old mobile phone, which now lies in my Exeter room, being charged night and day
CENSORED (you might actually catch me near my phone, but I'm more likely to be on my own or in more pleasant company)

if you are already on Exeter campus, but unable to find me or to use your mobile phone, but able to call from a students-and-staff-of-Exeter-University-only phone: this is my extension number:

Did I forget anything? Oh, right: my Utrecht University physical mail address still exists, only mail is read by Olivier, not me. So remember that before writing the kind of things you would write me (yes IB-groep: I'm talking to you!).

Now Exeter University life seems to be not nearly as busy as Utrecht's, in spite of more than 150 soc's (=committees) of which I am considering to join six (...). Classes for example are only seven hours a week. Which means... that you can all come and visit me! (except of course that you are busy). Anyway, classes start next monday and continue until the week of Sinterklaas. Then four weeks of holiday. Then two more weeks and one assessment week (9-27th of Jan). Somewhere in the middle there seems to be an additional lecture- and seminar-free reading week. What's more, on tuesdays I have no lectures/seminars at all, and on mondays possibly none either. In other words: plenty of opportunities. Concerning accommodation: presently I have space for two to three extra mattresses (for people who have met before only, because your toes will be in your fellows nose: surface is about 8square (that is in meters, not miles). (I am not allowed to have any more than four people in my room anyway.) Until the friday before Christmas I will even have one spare mattress and sleeping-bag, but the rest of you will have to bring something of their own - special cases excepted. By the way: my/their hospitality has already been booked from December 23th to 30th. (Again, exceptions might be made.)

And now for the big surprise!


Btw: I don't like comments-buttons on blogs, so I decided to remove mine. If you want to say anything: mail me. If you want anything posted: mail me as well, and I will see what I can do for you ;-)

Sucking on a Haags Hopje I greet thee,
